
Dr. Hemant Ojha

Dr Ojha is currently the Director of Institute for Studies and Development Worldwide (IFSD), Sydney, Australia. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Canberra in Australia. Dr. Ojha received a PhD in Environmental Policy and Governance. He has devoted his career to design and deliver integrated environmental solutions to some of the pressing problems of our time such as deforestation, climate vulnerability, watershed degradation and poverty, by undertaking applied research, social and environmental assessments, design thinking and deliberative planning, and policy analysis and engagement. He blends social and environmental sciences to conduct research on forest, water, agriculture and climate change.  

He also brings rich experiences in policy engagement and practice from Asia and Africa, including expert advisory works for various international agencies in the field of environment and development. He has been a key player in the development of community forestry in Nepal which is now recognized as a world innovation in community based natural resource management. He is an editor of Elsevier Journal Forest Policy and Economics, and has served as a scientific reviewer for over 20 international journals.